It’s so important to begin each day in a way that brings about a greater sense of ease, clarity and peace to your life. Understandably it’s easier to just linger and ruminate over the past or become anxious about what’s yet to come. If getting up out of bed seems incredibly daunting, here are three daily actions you can take in the morning to change the way you approach the day.
These three practices are simple and easy. You can implement this program right away. As you commit to these three actions in the morning, they will become second nature and an integral part of your daily routine, just like washing your hands or brushing your teeth before bed. Regardless of the time, place or set of circumstances, they are right there at your fingertips.
Every morning, the very first thing I do is get out of bed and make it. This way if you do nothing else all day, at least you can feel good about that. Plus there is nothing worse than walking into a room or coming home to an unmade bed. I make this a priority more for my mind than anything else.
The second thing I do is drink a glass of water before my morning tea. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, it's so important for your health. Some people say that if you only drink water when you are thirsty, then you have waited too long as dehydration has already kicked in. It is also a good idea to have twice as much water as the caffeine you drink.
Finally, the third and most important thing is set a very clear intention for the day. Examples of this are;
Just for today I’m going to focus on what I have and what is working in my life.
Today I will pause and breathe, before reacting out of fear or habit.
I feel embodied, empowered and connected to something bigger than myself (nature, truth, love and community.
Today, I set the intention to enjoy life as it is and have gratitude for the things that serve me in my daily life.
For the next ten days, I challenge you to start every morning by making your bed, drinking a glass of water, and setting an intention. They say it takes 90 days to make something a habit. Can you do this for 90 days? Write in your journal each morning, a fourth line item, and keep track of how this new morning routine is working for you.
Want a customized program just for you? Reach out to me for your complimentary consultation. Together we can create a plan of action that will help you change the way you approach the morning, and the rest of your days. You deserve support. I'm here to help.